T.M. Scruggs

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From TM Scruggs—Listener Representative

T.M. Scruggs

T.M. Scruggs

I am an educator, musician, and long time social activist, involved in community/non-profit media for over 30 years.

My various forms of organizing and cultural work have proven to me that media is the crucial battleground for providing information and framing issues that determines a societys political direction.

I am a founder of TRNN-TheRealNewsNetwork (therealnews.com), and on the Board of Advisers of truthout.org.  KPFA and Pacifica need to greatly strengthen its internet presence, including live streaming, and better support our internship program: both will increase youth participation. I created a successful, growing non-profit. Resolving the financial straits of KPFA and Pacifica is my top priority.

I speak fluent Spanish with a history of activism, including community media, in US Latino communities and in Latin America. I have volunteered at community radios in every city I have lived in since high school. United for Community Radio (RadioUCR.org) best represents my views. In my one year already on the LSB I have worked hard to dilute factionalism, and I pledge to be open minded and creative.

Endorsers: Bruce Dixon; Ed Holmes; Marilyn Langlois; Barbara Lubin; Michael Parenti.


Carol Wolfley

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Carol Wolfley—Listener Representative

Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley

As a candidate for KPFA’s Local Station Board, I want KPFA to cover YOUR interests: on the radio; on the community calendar; on podcasts and on website videos, I advocate for dependable reporting of people’s responses to political, economic and environmental challenges, discrimination and militarized violence; and for drama, comedy, and enlivening music that heals our souls.

As a KPFA Community Advisory Board member, I’ve gathered input from hundreds of people in diverse communities from Sebastopol to San Jose and beyond. I’ve loved bringing KPFA news, public affairs, and cultural radio hosts together with listeners to explore programming options. People tell me they don’t want pro-corporate spin and they oppose KPFA’s recent censorship of Guns and Butter, reliance on mainstream newsfeeds and proposals for corporate underwriting.

KPFA is one of 5 Pacifica stations with 200+ affiliates. Let’s facilitate program sharing among Pacifica stations to increase membership and revenues. Let’s connect with grassroots media-journalists, and provide training for new reporters. Help us build an independent, diverse and technologically innovative network for global survival.

Lisa Dettmer

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Lisa Dettmer

Lisa Dettmer

I am Lisa Dettmer and I co-produce KPFA radio’s only feminist show Women’s Magazine which I started with 3 other woman in 2006. I have been at KPFA for over 10 years and producing radio for most of that time after I graduated the apprenticeship program in 2005. I also have over 30 years of activist experience working in the field of police abuse and tenant eviction defense, as well as LGBT and feminist issues.

I would like to see KPFA be the community radio station it was meant to be. One where there is actual respect and cooperation between the staff and the listeners so that we are living the mission of democracy that we preach. And I would like to see KPFA expand it’s audience which is absolutely necessary if we are to survive by hiring a development/marketing director who will expand our audience and bring in some much needed grants for invaluable programs like the Apprenticeship program.

I want to see a management that is truly interested in involving all the staff in the station and who treat all staff equally. And, provide a council where staff and listeners can communicate.

Akio Tanaka

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From Akio Tanaka—Listener Representative

I first encountered Pacifica in 1970 t the height of the Vietnam War, an amazing new station came on the air broadcasting anti-war progressive voices. It was exhilarating and at the time a somber experience because the station was bombed off the air shortly after it began its broadcast, but it crystallized for me why Pacifica needs to survive.

With the young people burdened student debt and facing prospect of no jobs, they need Pacifica more than ever.

The enemy now are the corporations that own the media and the two political parties. The methods that the corporations use to try to silence Pacifica are more subtle and subversive, so it is critically important that we defend and strengthen this vital source of progressive voice.

We need to bring the internecine factionalism within Pacifica to an end, and focus on making the Pacifica Network relevant for the young people.

I served as a County Councilor for the Alameda County Green Party for many years, and previously served on the KPFA LSB.

I am retired but have worked as engineer, manager, and director for number of Silicon Valley start-ups.

KPFA’s Election Calendar

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Candidate Nomination Ended:
Jun 30, 2016 at 9:00 PM
Voter Date of Record:
Jun 30, 2016
11:59 PM
Ballot Return Deadline/Online Voting Begins:
Aug 15, 2016
9:00 AM
Ballot Return Deadline/Online Voting Ends:
Sep 30, 2016
11:59 PM
Unless the election is delayed (which is very possible given the state of Pacifica’s finances) it is too late to become a new member and vote in this election.   But, it is never to late to support KPFA.  To become a member, link to the Support / Donation / Membership Page at kpfa.org and make a donation of $25 (or more). This must be done ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30, 2016. If you want to check on your membership, or call the station  (510) 848-6767
If the need arises, contact KPFA Election Supervisor
Earl Johnson, Jr,
510 848 6767 x605
The elections at all Pacifica’s stations are being run by an independent person, the National Election Supervisor.
NES, Lynne Serpe