Candidate Nomination Ended:
Jun 30, 2016 at 9:00 PM
Voter Date of Record:
Jun 30, 2016
11:59 PM
Ballot Return Deadline/Online Voting Begins:
Aug 15, 2016
9:00 AM
Ballot Return Deadline/Online Voting Ends:
Sep 30, 2016
11:59 PM
Unless the election is delayed (which is very possible given the state of Pacifica’s finances) it is too late to become a new member and vote in this election. But, it is never to late to support KPFA. To become a member, link to the Support / Donation / Membership Page at and make a donation of $25 (or more). This must be done ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30, 2016. If you want to check on your membership, or call the station (510) 848-6767
If the need arises, contact KPFA Election Supervisor
Earl Johnson, Jr,
510 848 6767 x605
The elections at all Pacifica’s stations are being run by an independent person, the National Election Supervisor.
NES, Lynne Serpe