2016 Candidates

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Akio Tanaka

Akio Tanaka

(Click on each name for more about these incredible people.)

Akio Tanaka – Green Party activist, former local station board member






Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley – KPFA Community Advisory Board member









Kris Stewart

Kris Stewart

Kris Stewart – Multi Media Journalist








LaTasha Warmsley

LaTasha Warmsley

LaTasha Warmsley – College & career counselor, playwright








Marilla Arguelles

Marilla Arguelles

Marilla Arguelles – Former SEIU 616 Chapter President








Ramsés Téon Nichols

Ramsés Téon Nichols







Ramsés Teón-Nichols – SEIU 1021 Vice-President, Current board member

T.M. Scruggs

T.M. Scruggs







T.M. Scruggs – Executive Producer, The Real News Network



Tom Voorhees

Tom Voorhees


Tom E. Voorhees – community radio station builder and transmitter engineer





Party Invite – Sunday, July 24

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From a Photo by Brooke Anderson "Oakland May Day 2016"

From a Photo by Brooke Anderson “Oakland May Day 2016”

 Please join us for a late afternoon gathering  about KPFA 94.1 FM and kpfa.org  independent media  at the beautiful Redwood Gardens Community Room:
Sunday,  July 24, 2016
4 to 6 pm
2951 Derby Street, Berkeley
Meet  some of  the United for Community Radio candidates for the KPFA Local Station.
LaTasha Warmsley, —college and career counselor, and playwright
Carol Wolfley — KPFA Community Advisory Board member 
Kris Stewart — Multi-media journalist  
Marilla Arguelles — Former SEIU 616 Chapter President 
Aki Tanaka — Green Party activist and former LSB member 
Tom Voorhees –– community radio station builder and transmitter engineer
These current LSB members are  running for re-election 
Ramses Teon-Nichols — SEIU 1021 Vice-President
Samsarah Morgan — Oakland Better Birth Foundation Executive Director
T.M. Scruggs — Executive Producer TheRealNews.com 
(KPFA members should receive ballots mid August.)
Help us support the UCR campaign with outreach, phoning, events, and raising money for a UCR postcard to be sent to KPFA’s 15,000 members
KPFA and Pacifica are irreplaceable, strategic and transformative resources for amplifying the voices of millions who are overlooked, marginalized or silenced by corporate media in the face of police militarization, racism; and housing, health, water, economic, educational, and environmental depredation.  We forge a vital radio station and network by balancing often difficult news reports with programming that heals and facilitates human connections.

Proposal: Emergency Expansion of Pacifica’s Program Sharing Network

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Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley

By Carol Wolfley

As Pacifica is struggling for survival, expanding the news and public affairs network is a strategy for sustainability at a time when people urgently want dependable information from independent sources. This idea has developed among a group of KPFA Community Advisory Board members, Local Station Board directors and supporters from other stations and affiliates nationally. This proposal may be used in conjunction with financial and governance planning and incorporated into proposals from stations not able to meet basic expenses or having programming challenges.

The idea is to expand Pacifica’s news, public affairs and cultural program distribution network by identifying additional programs to be syndicated and for the posting of audio and video broadcast specials (i.e. conventions, demonstrations, etc.) through a centralized system. Communications about available programs and segments could be coordinated among programmers, staff and community journalists from all five Pacifica stations and 200+ affiliates. Program sharing could reduce production and salary costs and give stations the necessary time to reorganize, do outreach and build membership while continuing to operate.

Fortunately, the base technology for this project is already available through Pacifica’s Audio Port system and the “Pacifica Announce” email list. A number of stations currently share news and public affairs programming. Ursula Ruedenberg, the Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator, is presently involved with the existing program-sharing hub—Audio Port and is aware of interest in expanding its’ use.

from the blog "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" See below for link.

from the blog “Moving at the Speed of Creativity,”  website link below.

In considering this project, some preliminary questions include how to:

  • Organize communication for network-wide planning— connecting through emails and phone conferences with interested parties and at national independent radio conferences
  • Plan collaboration on national election coverage
  • Invite community journalists to share audio and video segments with the Pacifica Network through identified social media platforms
  • Promote existing syndicated Pacifica programming within and beyond the Pacifica Network
  • Identify additional independent, cost-effective sources for national and international news and decrease purchase of pro-corporate perspective sources (i.e. AP and FSN)
  • Support production and sharing of additional news and public affairs programs in Spanish and other languages

At this crucial time, this proposal may provide impetus for protecting the Pacifica network and mission. Portions of it may be implemented immediately by helping stations to post and share programs through the Audio Port as other aspects of sustainability plans are developed.   Please place this item on the next PNB agenda for careful consideration.

Carol Wolfley is a UCR candidate for the KPFA Local Station Board election 2016. She is a member of the KPFA Community Advisory Board and the {CAB} News and Public Affairs Task Force.

Graphic from Moving at the Speed of Creativity.




Programming is a Duty of the Local Station Board

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My voice mattersBy Mara Rivera
Sometimes you will hear that the Local Station Board (LSB) has no role in programming.  This is not true.
The Local Station Board is supposed to keep an eye on programming, and has done so in the past by means of the Program Council, which consisted of representatives of paid staff, unpaid staff, and listeners appointed to it by the Local Station Board.  The Program Council was  destroyed by our opposition, Save KPFA, which refused to reconstitute a democratically representative Program Council, but wanted it to consist of department heads (paid staff administrators) only – or none at all. They appointed a Program Director who now makes these decisions unilaterally (with the participation of her cronies).   A Community Advisory Board is also mandated by the Community for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to have a role in the process.
Here’s the complete list of the powers and duties of the Local Station Board.  Item G covers programming.  For a indexed copy of the entire by-laws, click here.

Article Seven, Local Station Boards
Section 3: Specific Powers and Duties

Each LSB, acting as a standing committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities related to its specific radio station, under the direction and supervision of the Foundation’s Board of Directors:

A. To review and approve that station’s budget and make quarterly reports to the Foundation’s Board of Directors regarding the station’s budget, actual income and expenditures.

B. To screen and select a pool of candidates for the position of General Manager of its respective radio station, from which pool of approved candidates the Executive Director shall hire the station’s General Manager.. The LSB may appoint a special sub-committee for this purpose.

C. To prepare an annual written evaluation of the station’s General Manager.

D. Both the Executive Director and/or an LSB may initiate the process to fire a station General Manager. However, to effectuate it, both the Executive Director and the LSB must agree to fire said General Manager. If the Executive Director and the LSB cannot agree, the decision to terminate or retain said General Manager shall be made by the Board of Directors.

E. To screen and select a pool of candidates for the position of station Program Director, from which pool of approved candidates the station’s General Manager shall hire the station’s Program Director. The LSB may appoint a special sub-committee for this purpose.

Radio EquipmentF. To prepare an annual written evaluation of the station’s Program Director.

G. To work with station management to ensure that station programming fulfills the purposes of the Foundation and is responsive to the diverse needs of the listeners (demographic) and communities (geographic) served by the station, and that station policies and procedures for making programming decisions and for program evaluation are working in a fair, collaborative and respectful manner to provide quality programming.

H. To conduct “Town Hall” style meetings at least twice a year, devoted to hearing listeners views, needs and concerns.

I. To assist in station fundraising activities.

J. To actively reach out to underrepresented communities to help the station serve a diversity of all races, creeds, colors and nations, classes, genders and sexual orientations, and ages and to help build collaborative relations with organizations working for similar purposes.

K. To perform community needs assessments, or see to it that separate “Community Advisory Committees” are formed to do so.

L. To ensure that the station works diligently towards the goal of diversity in staffing at all levels and maintenance of a discrimination-free atmosphere in the workplace.

M. To exercise all of its powers and duties with care, loyalty, diligence and sound business judgment consistent with the manner in which those terms are generally defined under applicable California law.

Tom Voorhees

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From Tom Voorhees,— Listener Representative

Tom Voorhees

Tom Voorhees

My primary focus will be rebuilding KPFA and all five Pacifica stations news departments back to their former award-winning national and international investigative news reporting on critical progressive issues. Presently, the three remaining Pacifica news departments depend mostly on a single commercial news feed read over the air, which discourages continuing listeners and new subscribing members.

Previously, Pacifica news programming was its biggest fundraiser. If elected, I will work my butt off to support the full return of a daily half-hour of Free Speech Radio News (FSRN), which previously was able to fully report national and international news of working folks in minority communities.

I started at KPFA in the sixties with journalism and radio shop from El Cerrito High School and continued on to assist in building many new community radio stations and putting them on the air from Alaska to Puerto Rico, with the most recent, KFFR, now on air in Fraser Colorado this June.

I will also work very hard to solve KPFAs and Pacificas many internal problems which prevent the network from expanding and leading the progressive movement to a sane livable society.