KPFA Community Input Meeting


FullSizeRender-62The KPFA Community Advisory Board (CAB) sponsored a community input meeting on Saturday, March 26.  It was well attended, with about 55 people showing up.  The meeting started with CAB member Rahman Jamaal outlining the meeting format.

People were given 30 seconds to say who they are, and why they were interested in KPFA.  A broad range of interests were represented, including interests in the news, education, culture, children’s rights, homelessness, gentrification and more.



People then came together in smaller break-out groups, to discuss their areas of interests, and how to improve KPFA.

The break-out groups included News and public affairs programming; Drama and literature  programming; Resisting privatization in public education; Pacifica finances and governance; Pro-corporate political party bias at KPFA; 80 year history of morning radio; and Social Justice including black lives matter, gentrification.


After meeting in the break-out groups, people came back together to report on what was discussed and provide ideas for the next steps needed.


The Pacifica group agreed to try to meet with the new CFO to get more information to try make some headway on the finances. Other groups created a task forces to continue to meet and work for solutions.

Contact the KPFA Community Advisory Board to find out more.




Celebrate Community Radio: BBQ with Musical Performances June 22nd 2pm

                                           Celebrate Community Radio with KPFA Activists

                                              Save the Morning Mix! Support Local Programming

                              Cookout and Performances!
                                      Sunday, June 22nd  2 pm to 6 pm
                                 2022 Blake Street, Berkeley
                                $5 to $25 sliding scale

images (3)You are invited to a gathering of supporters of theMorning Mix, the unpaid staff, United for Community Radio and those who want to make sure that KPFA keeps thedoor open to local struggles and communities.

Spend an afternoon listening to music and chatting with other folkswho believe in free speech, local community-based radio.

We provide the hot dogs/ veggie dogs and chips.
Bring a dish or food to share.

Special Performances and Appearances by:

                             Carol Denny
                                  Andrea Prichett
                             Renee Asteria
                                             With Morning Mix Hosts and special guests!
                                                   And a Special Twit Wit Radio Skit!

                                                 Sunday June 22nd  2pm to 6pm
                                          2022 Blake Street    

                                                $5 to $ 25 sliding scale

                                          Bring your politically-minded friends and your enthusiasm for the best of KPFA’s programming.

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