13 Years of KPFA Finances

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1. Listener Support: There has been a claim that changes to programming in fall of 2010 resulted in sharp decline in Listener Support.
The audited financials show that steep decline in Listener Support occurred between 2006 and 2010, before the change.

2. Salary and Benefits: There has been a charge that the Pacifica National Office usurped local control and engaged in union busting.
The audited financials show that between 2001 and 2006, under local control, the station added way too many people (the payroll more than doubled), but between 2006 and 2010, under local control, the station did not address the steep decline in Listener Support. By the fall of 2010, the station was in danger of insolvency, which is the only reason that the Pacifica National Office stepped in, to bring expenses in line with income.

3. Central Services: There has been a claim that the Pacifica National Office takes too much money from KPFA and spends on excessive management salaries.
The audited financials show that the Central Services are pegged to Listener Support, so when the Listener Support declines the payments for Central Services decline. Pacifica has a very flat salary scale throughout the network, including the National Office. [Central Services pays for network administrative services like network license, insurance, legal fees, Pacifica archives, and programming like Democracy Now!]

By Akio Tanaka